So last night on the way home I had to stop at the little grocery store in town. When you first walk in and look to your left, there's a little bench. Lo and behold one of the "neighborhood" hoodlums was sitting their shirtless talking to one of the teen girl cashiers. I barely gave them a second glance and went on up to take care of my business (getting M.O.s) at the business counter. I guess I was probably about 10 feet away from them. I have very good hearing.
Girl: She and her mom [not actually my mom - my mother in law] come in here a lot. They're pretty nice to all us girls but I don't think I've ever seen them wearing pants.
Hoodlum: We live about six houses apart [correction: we are about five trailers apart LOL]. I aint never seen her in pants either. She's really weird.
How on earth would that kid know that I'm weird? I've never even talked to him. He's never down our way. Granted, I've been tempted to run him over a couple of times for skateboarding down the middle of the road but I resisted the temptation.
I just couldn't help myself and I should probably repent. When I was leaving and he was staring at me I said:
Better to be weird and modest than to make a fool of oneself by sitting in a grocery store with no clothing on.
I really wanted to say, "You don't know me so shuddup." But I didn't. I was talking to my neighbor across the street about it and he said, "You know, we kind of made fun of you for a while until we got to know you." I said, "Yeah, I know. My husband overheard you. I don't mind being called a Bible Thumper." I thought he was going to die from embarassment. LOL
One of the definitions of weird is unearthly. I'm glad I'm weird. The Bible states to not be conformed to this world. I am glad to see that people notice that I am different.