21 September 2006
Case Study for Guideline Six
Men are so simple! That is not an insult. I love how simple they are. Dr. Laura was once told by a man that if a man isn't horny, make him a sandwich. Last night, my husband was leaving for Wal-Mart around 11:00. It had been a long day; our four year old was diagnosed with Scarlet Fever and our seven year old has strep throat (yes I know they are essentially the same - the rash is the only differential). Jacob (4) was asleep in the recliner. Bryan (7) was feeling a bit better and was playing on the computer. I was laying in the floor.

"I'm going to Wal-Mart to get some razors. Do you want me to pick up anything for you besides tin foil?"

I tried to buy tin foil all weekend and kept forgetting it.

"Yeah - bring me back something that says you love me."

DS1 gets tired about ten minutes after my husband left, so I put him in the other recliner (so it's easier for me to keep an eye on them; they sleep in bunk beds and I didn't want Bryan getting up sick and dizzy and falling off his ladder). I went on to bed. I vaguely remember my husband waking me up to show me something. I murmured, "Oh yeah. Great. Thanks." Then I went back to sleep. This morning when I got up, I wondered if I only dreamt that he woke me up. I got ready for work and grabbed my purse. I started digging for my car keys. He had stuck a keychain on it (I used to collect keychains) that says, "I love you!" and put a pack of my favorite gum in my purse.

See? Men are simple. Respect them and love them. They will kill themselves trying to please you.

I love you, dear.
posted by -atomik kitten @ 7:45 PM  
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