06 October 2006
Guideline 71
71. You shall not use a battery powered toothbrush on an abscess.

If I've said it once (and I know I have...remember the Foreman grill?) then I've said it too many times: it sucks when you have to rat yourself out. It sucks to write a guideline and know that it is all about yourself.

The Cop Magnet always thought I threw things like a girl (imagine that)...at least until today. Apparently when I am provoked by pain, I have quite a good arm. Okay, so it probably isn't smart to throw things but it was just a reaction (albeit a severe one) to the excruciating pain that I felt.

I was just moving along...6:00 AM...got my hair put up in a pony tail. I was dressed in my jean skirt and yellow sweater. I even had my shoes on. The boys were cooperating as far as morning must-get-dones go. I decided to try out my brand new toothbrush...my new battery powered toothbrush. It is a lovely shade of pink with some white in it. Granted, it isn't some name brand expensive one. I got this one at Big Lots yesterday for a couple of dollars.

Okay, so I brushed the right side and things were going great. It was an odd sensation of having my whole head vibrating. Since I woke up relatively pain free I didn't even think about the abscess. I just went right to that side.

The Cop Magnet was just getting out of the shower (insert wolf whistle here) when he sees a toothbrush hurling at him (well not at HIM but just in his general direction). I can't really describe the sensation...other than SUCKY....okay, except for maybe stupid.
posted by -atomik kitten @ 12:59 PM  
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