15 September 2007
Time to start making a big decision
To change my major or not to change my major that is the question...

I turned 29 last week. Right now I am literally sitting at the half way mark of finishing up a BS degree in Paralegal Studies. I've been at it for just under two years. I should finish at just over three years. The thing is...I will never use the degree (read as: I do not want to be a paralegal). I had a taste of law office life and I hated it. I didn't mind the work (of course here, paralegal is pretty much paramount to typing and answering the phone in the private firm realm). I just can't deal with the people. I was in insurance defense and while I agree that everyone should have representation I could not reconcile within myself that someone had use an affirmative defense saying, "Yeah he was drunk when he hit that two year old with his car, but he shouldn't be held responsible because the bar kept serving him." I have a problem with people that can't accept personal responsibility.

If I change my major to psychology, I could lose almost half of my credits. That would set me back almost an entire year. On top of that, I'd have to take statistics. I got a C in college algebra and my GPA is just now recovering (now I have a 3.84). So that would also mean that I would have twice (potentially) the size of a student loan. I took ethics and I am taking history this term, but will they transfer since they are both related to law (legal ethics and the history of criminal justice)? Needless to say I am still waiting to hear back from my Academic Advisor.

My psych prof from this last term offered me a letter of recommendation because he is convinced that I will eventually go for a Master's degree. I was the only one that made an A on the final paper. I have "strong writing skills".

My mother and The Cop Magnet both think I should change majors to "be happy" and to "do what (I) like". Nana Beachy doesn't think it is such a hot idea since I am so close to being finished. I can't get a hold of my pastor for an opinion. I would probably, providing that I change majors, put an emphasis on behavioral analysis.

Another problem is that neither major teaches one how to act tactfully; so either way in a private practice setting I can just see myself (self fulfilling prophecy) saying, "You are in this situation because you are a moron that should not be in the gene pool." But, like we say at my job - tact is for those not witty enough to use sarcasm.

The eventual goal (aside from a Master's) is to write. Write what I don't know....just to write.

I really feel like I am at a cross road in my life. If I do change my major, it isn't like I'll be old when I finish (roughly 31). I will just feel that I've done all this crap for naught.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 8:45 PM  
  • At 10:22 PM, Blogger John Power said…

    The first question to ask is after college what will I be most happy doing? You are going to be doing it for a while so a year more or less in college is not going to break the bank. This should be what interest you, what you want to get up in the morning for.

    For student loan information check this out http://www.studentaides.com

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger ReY said…

    As I'm sure you've heard for the millionth time: "do what makes you happy." I don't think that can be stressed enough. I mean sure you can finish earlier with the paralegal degree, but then what? I don't think you can ever go wrong with going after what you really want rather than "settling."

    Also, as you said, it's still early.

    Of course, financial concerns have to be taken into consideration as well.

    Btw, a very happy (and belated) birthday to ya! :)

  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    I say finish the paralegal. You never know, there just may be the perfect job for you in this field.

    Jon is going to go ahead and graduate this year with his BS in IT. He was going to switch majors but was told that with his Bachelors he could easily go over to a Master's of Business Administration with little effort. Also with a strong IT course load. It would be cheaper and most colleges will take your degree as opposed to course credits.

    My advice, pray about it. The Lord knows where He wants you in a few years. No matter what you do, He is going to have His way anyway. =O)

  • At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What about just changing practice areas? You don't have to be stuck in the area of law that repulses you. There are plenty of other areas that are really interesting like Intellectual Property and others. But ultimately - I have to agree with Rey. What's the point of finishing something you aren't going to be happy doing?

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