13 September 2007
Before you decide
Who I am and what this blog is about, you should consider a couple of things.

You should read more than one post. It's kind of like listening to a single song; you can't judge an artist (or in my case a person) (properly) without hearing more than one (and yes, that goes for Simon Cowell).

Before you decide that I am a liar and that I do not represent Jesus well, perhaps you should read the Bible a bit more and see what He did to the money changers in temple and the things He said to the sadducees and the pharisees (you know, the ones everyone listened to back in the day). Like or not - Jesus wasn't a pacifist, you silly little hater (and if you can't post a comment right the first time by including your real name, don't be so disillusioned to think that I will post it on the third try), He was a rebel.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 6:57 AM  
  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Who in the world would say you weren't Christian? We Christians are not all alike. But we follow the same Christ.

  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    Who done and said something so weirded out like that?

    Yeah, sure we all can be Christ-like - strive to be perfect but truth be known most Christians are Disciples.

    Constantly disciplined in Christianity.

    Jesus loved all of His Disciples and they were quite an odd group of guys. Peter denied Him, Thomas doubted Him, Judas betrayed Him.

    Many were fishermen and if you have ever watched the Discovery Channels "Deadliest Catch" episodes - Fishermen tend to be rough, gruff and cuss a lot.

    A tax collector believed, a prostitute believed and even a murderer of many Christians named Saul believed while traveling through Damascus.

    And for Representing... Jesus died on the cross representing every short coming and sin in each of us. Even for those who aren't even Christians yet and are still unbelievers.

    He came so that all may live.

    I guess this commenting person decided that only they fit the description of a disciple.

    Bless their heart, ain't that special?

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