07 September 2007
Sad day for us
We have to take Stripe, our 22 pound cat, this evening to be put to sleep. He's been diagnosed with a neurological disorder (aside from stress from the dog) and his outlook was very grim. :( We have not told the boys. They knew that he needed a new home, and we are just going to tell them that we found him one.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 6:54 AM  
  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger Tara Sloan said…

    Oh my, I am sorry. I've been wanting a kitty lately. I miss my own that I had to leave about five years ago. I pray that all goes well with telling your boys!

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger ReY said…

    My condolences. I've never owned a pet before, but I know that's just gotta have hurt.

    (Could never having owned a pet hurt more?)

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Terry said…

    That stinks. I'm sorry. Loosing pets is always hard on kids too.

    I remember getting a call a work from my Vet saying that my cat had FIP and needed to be put to sleep. I started crying at my desk (I worked at a bank) and had to go to the back. My boss offered to let me go home early. I felt so stupid that I was getting so emotional at work, and over a cat no less. But I just couldn't keep it together.

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