18 September 2007
I'm just saying...
I'm just saying that parents shouldn't live vicariously through their children. It is fine to feel incredibly proud of your child's academic or sports accomplishments. It's fine to maybe even brag (a little).

I'm just saying that if you cannot fit into a pair of baseball pants , you have absolutely no business yelling at a kid because he ran to third base instead of sliding into third base. Does it make a difference in a non-competitive off season league especially considering that the kid made it and was safe?

Yeah I know that even non-competitive leagues can still be a little competitive (kind of like how non-caffeinated coffee still has a little caffeine). Still, tell the kid what a great job he did because he made it and was safe. Tell him later if you think he could improve (or better yet - let the coach do his job...if you want to coach, then volunteer).

Nope, wasn't my kid involved. Bry-onicle was moved from the outfield to center field. Both his team and Monkey Butt's team won last night.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 7:09 PM  
  • At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was always the coach of my son's baseball teams so I could yell at him without anyone thinking twice about it ;)

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