Waiting drives me crazy...have I ever told you that? When you say you will be here at 5:15 PM to fix my gas meter, you should be here at 5:15. We should not call to hear, "We are on our way." I should not be calling two hours later (nor should The Cop Magnet) to find out what is going on only to be told you should be here sometimes before 11 PM. Five in the morning comes awfully early for some of us...that makes us a little cranky in the night time hours. The house is freezing and if I run the space heater, I blow a circuit if anything else on THIS side of the house (light, TV, doesn't matter...) is on. Oklahoma Natural Gas...you people stink (no pun intended with the whole gas and stink, really...I'm tired and I am sitting here babysitting a space heater, tucking six blankets around the kids, yes six, and rambling to you folks while I wait on their sorry tails).
Now that just sucks. What's up with the gas people. Do they not know it's a work week? You souldn't be at anyones house after 9pm.