15 October 2006
5 Random Chronically Sick Facts About Myself.

Great, I've been tagged...that's not really a complaint. Just not so sure I like sharing my skeletons with a bunch of...well, what the h e double toothpicks - yall don't know me in real life (except for maybe one or two).

I don't know if I can narrow it down to five. I'll try though. Apparently, Margie thinks I have issues and should share...

1. I cannot stand to use a public restroom of any kind (i.e., rest stops, port-o-potty, and even most eating joints). We (my MIL, pastor's wife, and myself) went to a Sunday School conference Friday night and uh...we had to use the ladies room. I had to go but didn't. I sat through the entire drive home from Mustang to Noble...even through the casino traffic because I just could not bring myself to sit on it even though it was church folk. There is just something about thinking that pubic crabs might be able to pole-vault and I don't want to find out.

2. I must sleep on the left side of the bed. I cannot sleep on the right side of the bed. I mean that. I literally cannot sleep if I am on the right side of the bed....but if my husband isn't home or I am just taking a nap by myself, my body will be on the left side of the bed by my head will be on the pillow on the right.

3. While it doesn't bother me if the food on my plate touches each individual food, I will only eat one thing at a time. I just will not (cannot?) mix my fork with mashed potatoes if it already touched the meatloaf (or vice versa). It doesn't bother me to see other people do it...I just can't.

4. I must arrange books on a bookshelf according to height. I have to really, really control myself to leave my kids' bookshelves alone. I make them rearrange them about once a month just to sit everything back up as it should be.

5. If someone drinks after me, I can't drink out of the cup / bottle / container again unless they used their own straw. I don't even like my kids or husband to drink after me. It's disgusting.
posted by -atomik kitten @ 7:06 PM  
  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    No, I do not have to use a different fork for each item. It's like this (and I'll use today as an example): The Cop Magnet and I went out to lunch without the kids (hallelujah!). We went to Olive Garden. I had salad and a breadstick on the same plate and even touching. But I could not eat the salad until I ate the breadstick. I cannot, like, take a bite of the breadstick and then two or three bites of salad and then go back to the breadstick. I had ravioli d'portobello (I think is what it was called - ravioli with mushrooms). I like to dip my breadstick in the cheese sauce but I finished eating the breadstick before I started working on the ravioli.

    Yep. I have issues.

  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    Hehe, I was tagged before this tag. LOL! You did the wrong one. But that is okay, I'll forgive you.

    Wow, you do have some issues. But I must say I won't use a public bathroom either if I can help it. (rather peepee in a wooded area and risk poisen ivy or ticks) My books are arranged like that also. Food - oh, I can't have any mixing going on at all. Nope! No corn in my taters or anything. There has to be suffiecient space between the items or I get queasy.

    One word for the drink sharing. "Backwash". Nope, you drink my drink - go get me a new glass and drink. Before Katie I just poured a glass of iced tea, sat it on the end table in the living room and got up to do dishes during a commercial. I came back and it was gone!!

    Jon was laughing because Bobo got up on my chair leaned over and totally licked the glass dry from the inside out. Jon was even going to let me try and drink from it!!

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    Well then next time you will know to be more specific with me. LOL

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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
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