31 August 2007
Just an ordinary day...
Or is it? For you see, today is the day before the OU Football season kick off! It is a home game at 6 tomorrow evening. Everyone has gotten out their crimson and cream shirts. I went to Sprawl-Mart to buy a shirt I've been eyeing for a while and they are GONE! It was a clever shirt, too. It said, "Southern girls know their primary colors...crimson and cream!"

The air is filled with the smell of curly fries and there are American Red Cross signs everywhere for yet another blood drive - they have OU shirts, but I can't donate again. I think I am just done with donating though...I was sick for several days after the last time. Usually I don't get sick.

I guess the real question of the day is...will Mr. Frosty fulfill his promise to by Crab Cakes a Frosty from downstairs since I returned his silly little glass water bottle without harm yesterday? He left it on my counter so I held it for ransom... I warned him that if he neglected to fulfill his end of the bargain his water bottle might disappear.

So that's your daily (well, you know as well as I do that I won't update this daily) installment of As the Office Swivels (Swivels - brought to you by Mr. Frosty!).

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 1:18 PM  
  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have fun watching the game! Thankfully I'll be at least an hour away from the maddening crowds! LOL We used to live in Norman, and boy I do not miss the traffic on game days - although the "magic" in the air was pretty exciting.

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