08 August 2007
What do you mean it is only Wednesday? It is supposed to be Friday, the GI Bill should have came in by now, and we should have all of our school shopping done...none of which has happened.

Bry-onicle does have an eye appointment today. We are pretty sure he needs glasses. My insurance is pretty good and his eye doctor has a pretty big selection of frames. It costs me $15 to take him in and $25 for a pair of glasses. Monkey Butt will be the next one in...and I have to eventually go in too.

I am about ready to call my doc. I am so tired. I slept for maybe two or three hours last night. The night before I slept for two hours. Uncle Cousin Jerry Springer (I really should add him to the cast of characters - but then I feel like I am some how rewarding him if I do even though he has no idea that I blog) is wearing me out. While it is apparently "okay" to stalk your wife (even though you are separated) it was not "okay" for me to take my kids to see the Simpsons Movie. He's right..it wasn't okay because the movie sucked. I shouldn't have tortured them like that. His argument is that it should be against my religion...not a good card to pull with me right now. I'm kinda cranky.

In the infamous words of South Park...I really wanted to say to him, "Screw you...I'm going home." Yeah I know it is really screw you guys I'm going home..

Actually I am headed for something to eat for breakfast (milk has been bothering me more than usual) and then headed to work. Yall be good now. And leave me a nice comment to cheer me up. I have a funny TT planned for yall tomorrow. I'll try and get it up today for my early bird.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 7:06 AM  
  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger Maude Lynn said…

    I wasn't impressed with the Simpsons movie either.

  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    I read the reviews and didn't go. But that is not something to cheer you up. Sit back, kick off your shoes, and deep in your mind listen to the birds singing and the water running in the brook.

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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
Home: Oklahoma, United States
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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
  • Monkey Butt - my 7 year old son that loves adventure
  • Squarepants Star - my 9 year old step-son that loves Spongebob
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  • FC15 - my cat that weighs 15 pounds
  • Pup Dog - Boomer, our American Boxer
  • Unkey Monkey - my 19 y.o. brother in law
  • The Little Miss - my 3 y.o. niece
  • Fatty McChuckles - USAF BIL, father of The Little Miss
  • Peg Leg - the wife of Fatty McChuckles and mom of The Little Miss
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