17 July 2007
Time Travel Tuesday
So this week we are supposed to talk about our favorite summer camp memories. The only summer camp I ever went to was Falls Creek...which is down near Davis, OK.

I haven't decided which was more fun - the time I slipped from the top of Devil's Bathtub and fell down the little water fall only to be laughed at by about 50 people...or the time I went hiking with a group of other teens and one adult...and it was so creepy - out in the dry, desert like conditions that I thought we might end up on an episode of Rescue 911 (anyone remember that show?).

I hated summer camp. LOL

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:28 AM  
  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do remember Rescue 911! Sorry for the bad experiences! I'm not an outdoorsy person at all, so camp wasn't my favorite thing, but thankfully no catastrophes happened.

  • At 10:14 AM, Blogger Jenny said…

    I'm so sorry you didn't like camp, or it didn't like you! :) I went to church camp every year, and looked forward to getting away from the family! :) I was very independent, and just wanted my very own space. If it was the top bunk bed, that was FINE by me!

  • At 3:08 PM, Blogger Lorie said…

    I enjoyed reading your camp memories! Brought back some memories for me.

  • At 3:25 PM, Blogger Renee said…

    I can undersand why you don't like summer camp! I remember Rescue 911 too; that hike must have been pretty creepy.

  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger KC said…

    I don't understand hateing camp at all, but I have alot of cyber friends who said they would rather have there teeth pulled then to go back to summer camp.. I just keep thinking it must have been the camp they went to. I think a hike though the dessert would have been enough to make me hate camp also.

  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Joyful Days said…

    I remember rescue 911. Camp isn't always the greatest experience for kids. And I know lots of embarrassing things happened to me there.

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