11 July 2007
Pray for justice

I think that there should be an open season with no limit for hunting baby killers. I think that Michael Porter should be in with general population. I also think her mother should have her shins broken. When it comes to baby killers I honestly believe in an eye for an eye.

May God have mercy on their souls, because I wouldn't..May Kelsey's memory live. Don't ask me what I think of the judge that returned her home, either.

Kelsey's mother started her trial yesterday. Pray for justice.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 10:05 AM  
  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    Oh my goodness, I am still crying! How could anyone do such a horrible thing. I look at my children and I can't bear the thought of hurting them. When they cry I cry, when they fall down I fall with them...my daughter has a black eye right now because she hit the corner of the fireplace (brick) and I have never cried so hard! I can't even imagine intentionally hurting someone, let along your very own child - and she was such a beautiful little girl...my heart goes out to the family. I cna't even imagine the pain her father is experiencing right now....

  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    Gosh, that is so horrible. How can people do such a thing. Especially to a two year old, they can test a parent or caretakers patience but never so much to warrant such horrible abuse.

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