11 July 2007
Hubby and Me(me)
Becki tagged to tell you eight fabulous things about my Hubby and me.

1. As of today we've known each other for 12 years. In November we will have our 7th wedding anniversary.

2. I met him in 1995 after he spammed me on a BBS with this awful ANSI ad for his BBS. I was 16 and stupid and called his BBS to chew him out. Then he hacked my computer.

3. We can finish each other's sentences, but we do not understand each other (and probably never will).

4. We have the same twisted sense of humor.

5. Regardless of any fight or argument we've had, we can pretty much rest assured that neither person is going anywhere. We are both very passionate (and hot headed) individuals. When we lock horns, we really lock horns.

6. He thinks it is nice to be married to his own personal spell check. I think it is nice to be married to my own personal IT support.

7. We are a great team when it comes to parenting. You have to be when it comes to kids. You can't both do your own thing. You have to work as a team.

8. He knows to never buy me chocolate (I hate it) and I know never to buy him computer stuff. I just get him a gift card instead. We have no problem telling each other the exact thing we want as far as gift giving goes. I don't want or need a bowling ball and he wouldn't know what to do with a tie.

I am tagging:

PraiseFiddler and Mix because I don't list a lot of people on my blog that I regularly communicate with other than them. LOL


posted by -atomik kitten @ 10:50 AM  
  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    He hacked your computer, LOL!!!! That is too funny!!!!

    My hubby knows not to buy me flowers - I can't stand that! Although, I love chocolate. ;)

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    My hubby only buys flowers when he is in the doghouse. I keep telling him that makes things even worse - but the only way to get flowers is to get mad at him. =O(

  • At 7:27 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    From the sound of it you are a fabulous team.

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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
Home: Oklahoma, United States
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