01 July 2007
Communication Rules for Men
I thought that I would start performing a public service to benefit both men and women. Sure, I still do the Guidelines from time to time, but this is also something important. It's called "reading between the lines". Just because you men say something doesn't mean that is what we hear...so consider me your own personal advisor that you can't sue if I get you in to trouble.

Rule One: When in the sack never say to your woman, "I could be playing [insert MMORPG name here]."

Analysis: When you say something like that we don't hear what you mean: I love you so much that I am not online killing creatures that could never exist...instead, I am with you because I love you way more and you are way more fun than some half devil / half woman that slaps her butt and hits things with a whip to protect me.

What we hear is: You are second best. I am thinking of my game instead of being appreciative that I'm going to get laid.

Can you see why that is a problem, gentlemen?

Ladies, take a lesson from the Small Talk series (I think the guy's name is Gary Smalley or Gary Small or something). Tell your man how you are interpreting and give them a chance before you commit homicide - because most women just look fat in stripes.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 12:28 PM  
  • At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL!! How true that is!! My husband's been in the habit of staying up until 3 am playing games lately. *sigh* Going to bed all by myself gets lonely, LOL.

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jenny said…

    you absolutely make me laugh!

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger David said…

    I read a great Dave Barry column on this very subject when I was in high school. Something about the guy realizing the car needed an oil change when the girl mentioned how long they had been together!

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