27 June 2007
Four words I bet you never thought you'd hear from me..
Elizabeth Edwards is right. What? I agree with a democrat? What's the matter with me?

Nothing is wrong with me. She's right. As much as I (kind of) like Ann Coulter, the personal attacks should stop. As much as I loathe Elizabeth Edwards' husband for running with Kerry, he shouldn't be wished killed by terrorists.

Sure, now that it is getting some media attention Ann Coulter will probably say it was a joke blown out of proportion...when in reality she just got her hand caught in the cookie jar. I get that it was kind of a retaliation for something that Edwards supposedly said about the VP, but two wrongs do not make a right. So much for being a good political commentator. I've lost all respect.

Is it any wonder that I'm an independent?


posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:30 AM  
  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger Rinny said…

    I completely agree with you.

  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    OK, like I said, we don't have cable, so no CNN around here. What did she (Ann) say originally?

  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    I agree, Ann is a nut job and gives Christians a bad name by the way she says things. She's so mean.

    I'm a Republican, but I like John Edwards. I don't like any Republicans running for office now... and forget the entire Democratic lineup. But John Edwards, he's moderate. I think I could stomach him for a few years.

  • At 11:26 PM, Blogger Melessa Gregg said…

    Here! Here!

  • At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Like you, I am an Independent. I just can't see voting for anyone just because they carry a particular party nomination. That just seems ridiculous to me. Whatever happened to "May the best man win"? Of course we now need to say "May the best man OR woman win". lol

    I don't care what party a candidate represents, I am smart enough to know that we need to listen to their campaign speeches and try our best to select the best person for any office no matter what their political party is.

    I further agree, that no one should have their life threatened or evils wished upon them. Thats just insane.

    I voted for Bush and regret it to this day, but I sure don't wish him anything bad. I just want his term to be over, lol.

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Like you I am an independent. Now if only there was a truly independent candidate for us to support. One that didn't owe something to those wrong people who provided all the money to run on- like the oil companies.

  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Like you I am an independent. Now if only there was a truly independent candidate for us to support. One that didn't owe something to those wrong people who provided all the money to run on- like the oil companies.

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