29 June 2007
I have two questions about this product..

1. I know it is an "As Seen On TV" website...but I want to know what channel it was seen on. I can't think of a single channel that it would appear on aside from Skin-A-Max...

2. Is it any wonder that she is the spokeswoman? Wouldn't she cure even a dead man's ED? Look out Bob Dole - because ED is about to disappear!

Moving on...I should give the proper thanks to Praise Fiddler for doing her TT on As Seen On TV products.

I think this is a great product... I just hope no one decides to sue them for giving the public a bad idea... I don't think it is worth the price, though.

Ladies - can't get your husband to exercise? Try this product! Again, what channel was this advertised on?

Forget using a band-aid on those pesky, cold days... You can get your very own pair of nipple covers!

Again - what channel is this stuff advertised on?


posted by -atomik kitten @ 6:59 PM  
  • At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    duejuly2Oh my goodness! This post just totally cracked me up! The things some people come up with, LOL!!!

  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    LOL I was actually thinking the same thing and wondering what channel those would actually be seen advertised on.

    Thanks for the shoutout btw! :oD

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