30 December 2006
Quite an experience...
I don't think that I've ever been to a triple funeral before. As you can probably imagine, the church (Christ's Church in Yukon) was packed. The Cop Magnet and I got there around 9:30 this morning. The funeral started at ten.

When we first got there, the caskets were open which was a shock because of how they died. We were in the second row on the left side of the sanctuary. The middle was for the family. They shut Sudha's and Suresh's caskets for the service but left Nath's open.

About half of the service was in the deceaseds' mother language. They immigrated from India. Suresh and Sudha are survived by their two teen-aged sons. Nath is survived by his wife, 14 year old daughter, and 8 year old son.

I did okay up until the 8 year old got up to read a poem he wrote the night his father died. Then, Nath's daughter sung.

The pastor that gave the message spoke in the other language, but he also had a translator. A little while later they opened the caskets back up at the family's request and every one lined up to view the bodies.

I'm sorry - but I feel that was very selfish of the surviving adult family members. There were small children in the service (young children...such as Nath's surviving son) that shouldn't see things like that. I'm sure the funeral home did the best they could, but you can't rebuild the face of someone that died in a fire.

When we left I made The Cop Magnet promise that if, Lord forbid, something like that happens to me...if I die in a way that disfigures me.. Do NOT have an open casket funeral. I do not want my children or future grandchildren to see that.

People should be remembered for what they looked like before death.

In other news, I read that Sadaam was executed.

In better news, we are getting ready to go to Paoli for DS1's baptism.
posted by -atomik kitten @ 2:15 PM  
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