30 November 2006
Biggest question in the universe is now answered..

Ever wondered what Darth Vadar would sound like if you gave him a wedgie? Well, we did. When we went to Sprawl-Mart last night to prepare for the winter storm (which so far has yielded no snow but enough ice that our door was iced shut for a while), they had Darth Vadar voice changers on sale for $10! That's a huge markdown.

The boys have wanted one forever but I couldn't fork over the $30 to buy a toy... Yes, I'm cheap.

So we bought one. DS3 was playing with it (school is closed - still expecting about 6" of snow...which may not seem like much to you but to Oklahoma, it is a lot) and he had the voice changer on to where when he would talk, it would kind of sound like Vadar. The Cop Magnet walked up behind him and wedgied him. It was a very deep and echo-y "oooowwwww!!!" We both started laughing and then DS3 hit the button on the voice changer that makes it say, "Your powers are weak!" So The Cop Magnet did it again!! ROTFLOL

On another note, yesterday was the first day in my 28 years that I've been in a tornado, severe t-storm, and severe winter weather storm watch...all at the same time. Ever seen it pour freezing rain with lightening and thunder? Quite interesting and freaky.

School was cancelled and my supervisor called me this morning (before calling anyone else because I don't have a key) to let me know not to come in because of the roads. I wasn't planning on going in anyway. I didn't sleep all night. My throat hurt so much.

Remember that cold I thought I had last week? I was crying this morning and praise the Lord the doc was in. Maguire Rd (my main rd) was pretty bad but Main wasn't. I made it to the doc in about ten minutes. I have a strep infection.

Have I ever told you how wonderful The Cop Magnet is? I was going to save this for its own entry but what the hay... How many men do YOU know that, in the freezing rain, will put windshield wiper fluid in your car in the middle of a Sprawl-Mart parking lot, without gloves...and then will change your windshield wipers out too? On top of that, goes out to start your car to defrost it for you...and scrapes your ice? I have such an awesome husband!!
posted by -atomik kitten @ 10:32 AM  
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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
Home: Oklahoma, United States
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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
  • Monkey Butt - my 7 year old son that loves adventure
  • Squarepants Star - my 9 year old step-son that loves Spongebob
  • Nana Beachy - my MIL
  • Big Baldy - my older brother
  • Dumb Dog - my very dumb turkish sheep dog (Anatolian Shepherd)
  • FC15 - my cat that weighs 15 pounds
  • Pup Dog - Boomer, our American Boxer
  • Unkey Monkey - my 19 y.o. brother in law
  • The Little Miss - my 3 y.o. niece
  • Fatty McChuckles - USAF BIL, father of The Little Miss
  • Peg Leg - the wife of Fatty McChuckles and mom of The Little Miss
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