08 July 2007

Most of my life I have felt like I did not fit in. My thought process has always been different, to say the least. To this day I don’t always fit in. I think differently because I am different. Until recently I felt a little bothered by this. After all, everyone wants to be accepted. We all want to have friends and for people to think well of us.

It can be that way for almost every apostolic woman. We not only behave differently than the world but we also look different. Sometimes it can be hard to be different. The devil uses our minds to make us feel like being different is a bad thing. Those thoughts can make it difficult to be an effective witness or even be an encouragement to those in the church.

Let’s face it – even those that “look” the part don’t always “act” the part. I am here to tell you that you should not be discouraged by your thoughts. We are not to be like the world! We are not to dress like, think like, or act like the world. We are called to be modest, have pure thoughts, and behave in a godly fashion. It is time to quit letting the devil tell us that we cannot affect the world because we don’t fit in.

We aren’t supposed to fit in. Have you ever noticed that when you are out in a public place you don’t look at the average Joe or Jane? You always end up staring at the teenage boy with the Mohawk, wearing a skirt, and has his fingernails painted black. He is getting the attention because he is different. The attention we receive because of how obviously different we are needs to be used for God’s purpose.

We are not called to just look differently and turn our noses up at the unsaved. We are called to look differently and to go out and teach God’s word. What a better way to do it than to attract attention to ourselves because of the way we look! Starting today, make a pact with God. Make a pact that you will use your unique look to represent your unique God.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 5:27 PM  
  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    I've only recently come to your blog so I don't know what you mean about looking different...I would like to learn more though...

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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
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