12 June 2007
Time Travel Tuesday
So this week's theme is favorite vacations. We take a lot of small weekend type vacations. You know, stuff within about five hours from us.

Last summer (right before school) was my favorite. We took the boys to Six Flags for the first time. I got Bry-onicle on the big roller coaster that has the loops (over by The Tower of Power). We get to the top where we could see the headquarters for hotels.com and he looks at me and said, "You never said it had loops!" By then it was too late because we were plunging downhill at 70 MPH. LOL He liked it (except the loops).

The Cop Magnet was sick when we were there so he mostly took pictures and carried drinks. We want to go back again this summer. We might go to Kansas, though. Wild West City is only about three or four hours away.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 11:07 AM  
  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Annie said…

    I haven't been to six flags in years! I love it there. I was thinking of going to Frontier City sometime this summer too. My kids don't like rides, so I'll have to get a friend to go with me and let the kids watch us ride rides :o)

  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Renee said…

    My kids are eagerly waiting to go to a big amusement park! They can't wait. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger KC said…

    I love amusement park, haven't been to one in about 3 years though. Sounds like you really enjoyed your trip.
    Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger Joyful Days said…

    I have one who loves rollercoasters and one who doesn't. But they both love amusement parks.

    Great memory.

  • At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's a funny story! :) But how do you line up for a coaster and not see what's in store for you? :P

    ...and that's really something, getting an 8-yr old to hop on a coaster. It took me an extra 5 years after reaching the height requirement to be willing to get on one of those things, though now I just can't seem to get enough.

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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
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