11 June 2007
In my not so humble opinion...
I've been so angry that I've wanted to injure someone. I've been so angry that I've thought how much easier my life would be if someone was dead (or at least gone and never to return). Yet never in my insane 28 years on God's green earth have I ever thought about acting out on it and if I ever did (which I wouldn't) I would never, ever, ever harm a child.

So that leads to this question - am I crazy because domestic situations can not drive me into a blind rage? Am I crazy because I am not capable of killing someone out of "passion"?

Am I not as crazy as I've been told since I am capable of walking away from anyone (other than my children) without inflicting physical injury (even if I really, really would want to)?

I am so glad that people like this kill themselves because had they attacked my family for some perceived wrong, I'd be doing life. I'm all about an eye for an eye...especially when some nut job shoots babies.

It is amazing the crap you come across when you are doing research for a final paper. And you people wonder why I don't watch the news when my kids are home...

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 11:43 AM  
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