30 May 2007
Today's Game
We should have played Airport, but after suffering an incredibly bad migraine, I guess we'll be playing it tomorrow.

Airport Picture O'Hare International Airport on a Monday morning. It may be the busiest airport on the planet, but it's nothing compared to the sheer mayhem this game can produce any day of the week.

Inanimate objects on hand

1. Set up a "runway," any open space about 20 yards long and 6 to 8 feet wide. Mark it off with a stick in the dirt, with chalk on pavement, or with sticks or stones on grass.

2. One player, called the pilot, stands at the beginning of the runway and gets blindfolded. His partner, the air traffic controller, stands at the far end of the runway. It is foggy, and the pilot must land her plane with help only from the air traffic controller. The pilot can move but cannot see. The controller can see but cannot move.

3. All the other players remove an article of clothing or grab a couple of things from their backpacks: sneakers, bulky sweaters, notebooks, soccer balls, tennis rackets, jump ropes, or basically anything else that isn't sharp or breakable. The players throw these objects onto the runway and leave them where they land, thus creating an obstacle course.

4. The pilot must walk the course, arms outstretched like airplane wings, guided just by the controller's voice: "OK, OK, two steps forward, but--stop! Little steps! Step to the side now--no, to the other side and then a giant step over the bat. Watch out for the shin guards...wait..."

5. If the pilot "crashes," he must either start over at the beginning of the runway or let another team take a turn. If he reaches the end of the runway, the blindfold is removed and everyone applauds. Then it's another team's turn.

The controller walks the runway next to the pilot but may not touch him.

The controller can't say the name of any of the objects on the runway, so the pilot has no idea what's in front of him.

The players on the sidelines simulate the noises of an airport, with jet engines, back-up alarms, loudspeaker announcements and so on. This makes it challenging for the pilot to hear the controller at all.

Walt Disney World Sweepstakes


posted by -atomik kitten @ 6:44 PM  
  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    Hey Robin, this post.. whatever is in it is stretching your blog homepage out weird.

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    Yeah I accidentally copied the entire game with the ads. I was having a stupid moment.

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