14 June 2007
Guideline 93
93. Deaf mammals that give birth does not constitute worthy news for an RSS feed.

Look, I'm all for taking care of any kind of animal (unless he tastes good next to my mashed potatoes)...even if he or she has something we might consider a disability of some kind. I'm not a heartless person. I have two dogs, two cats, four guppies, one beta, and two hermit crabs. None are mistreated. Pup Dog thinks he's a lap dog and weighs almost 60 pounds. These animals are babied. I don't call the local news when FC-22 manages to jump from the kitchen chair to his little perch by the window without falling off.

I'm just not so sure that this is the kind of news I need on my desktop RSS. I don't watch the news when the kids are home. Reading it is the only way I know what is going on. Why do I need to know this? Especially when this is so much more fun to point at and go ha ha a la Nelson.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:27 PM  
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