12 March 2007
Doin' Nana Beachy Proud
The Cop Magnet and I went to go see The Number 23. I was skeptical at first because, frankly, it's hard to imagine Fire Marshall Bill / Ace Ventura / Bruce Almighty doing anything in a drama. The movie had its quirky, funny moments but was pretty predictable up until the end. I never guessed the ending. I was pleasantly surprised.

It was a lot of fun...especially since we were sitting in the back of the theater (no we were not doing THAT). Unkey Monkey and a group of his friends walked in. We saw them but they didn't see us. He was some blond girl that he swears he wasn't there with - that she was there with another guy...but that's funny because the guy she was supposedly there with sat way behind them and they sat together... So I called B.S. and decided to embarrass him.

The Cop Magnet started first and called him on Nana Beachy's cell phone (since we knew he had it and because we know that he hadn't seen us JUST yet). The Cop Magnet said, "I just talked to mom and she said you better get your butt home as soon as this movie is over and she said you better not be with any girl." Of course, Unkey Monkey just hangs up on him. So The Cop Magnet just couldn't help himself. He walked right down the steps and tapped Unkey Monkey and the shoulder to say hi.

After the movie was over (the theater was pretty crowded), The Cop Magnet was ready to go. I gave him the look that says, "I'm starting trouble" and said, "Hold on.. I want to wait for some of these other people to leave. You know how I hate a crowd." The theater was still pretty dark and he knew what I was really waiting for...yeah, Unkey Monkey and the mystery blond.

Three of Unkey Monkey's friends walk by me...and then he finally does and I jump out of the aisle and start smooching on him and hugging him and this girl gives me the "what the heck" look. So then I started tickling him saying, "Aww...aint that sweet. My baby brother is still ticklish!" I embarrassed him REAL good. He was in front of me on the steps so I proceeded to gently pinch the back of his knees and he danced just like I knew he would!

For some strange reason, him and his girl high tailed it out of there...no introduction or nothing. Job well done for us. We know this is one night that he won't have the chance to knock up some girl that would probably just end up being a psycho.

We went to relieve Nana Beachy of child care duty. I told her how I thought it was amazing how genetics work. She asked what I was talking about. She does the same little dance if you pinch her behind the legs. I told her Unkey Monkey does that too!! I found out!! Apparently that runs in the family.

Yesterday, Unkey Monkey tried to repay me for my kindness by tickling me at church. There is just one problem...as he discovered... I am not ticklish. At least, I am not ticklish any where that is polite to talk about in general society... mwa ha ha ha.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 7:14 AM  
  • At 5:53 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    That is so hilarious, sounds like something I'd definitely do to one of my sibs LOL.
    Wow I must be behind the times, I haven't heard of that movie, I didn't even know that JC came out with a new one?

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    :Gasp: Such a mean big sister you are! Be careful, you don't want your future sister in law to despise you or anything. LOL!

    Well, she may despise you anyways... so yup... go ahead, give any potentials a good reason to.

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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
  • Monkey Butt - my 7 year old son that loves adventure
  • Squarepants Star - my 9 year old step-son that loves Spongebob
  • Nana Beachy - my MIL
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  • Dumb Dog - my very dumb turkish sheep dog (Anatolian Shepherd)
  • FC15 - my cat that weighs 15 pounds
  • Pup Dog - Boomer, our American Boxer
  • Unkey Monkey - my 19 y.o. brother in law
  • The Little Miss - my 3 y.o. niece
  • Fatty McChuckles - USAF BIL, father of The Little Miss
  • Peg Leg - the wife of Fatty McChuckles and mom of The Little Miss
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