I've updated the cast of characters. DS1 came up with a clever nickname for himself - Bry-onicle. I've decided to start calling DS3 Monkey Butt (which is what he is called around here). We haven't thought up a nickname for DS2 yet, but we'll add him back. Never despair.
Bry-onicle was watching over my shoulder as I updated the list. He said, "Fatty McChuckles? Who's that?" I told him it was his Uncle Brandon. He was already laughing at the name and he said, "That's so funny it made me pee in my pants a little bit." I thought immediately of the saying, "You made me throw up - but just a little."
There are just some things you don't need to know.
Speaking of Monkey Butt...the school called this morning to tell me he fell off the slide. That was me when they called. I was so scared he broke something. The school secretary (we have no nurse) said that he was fine, but had a bruise on his thigh. Don't be concerned - my MIL works with her...she's seen plenty of Christian boys legs through out the years.
So when Monkey Butt got off the bus I said, "I heard you fell off the slide today."
"No, I did not."
"Ms. Laura said you did."
"No, mom, I told her I fell on the side-walk. She never let me finish my sentence."
Enjoyed reading your blog, very interesting. I will definitely be a regular from now on. Happy New Year.