23 September 2007
Remember that I told you...
Pup Dog pulled up the laminate in the bathroom. Well it turns out that was a blessing in disguise. If he wouldn't have done that, we wouldn't have known the floor under it was rotten...not only that, but whoever remodeled this place laid plywood over the original floor. I mean, they did not even bother to clean it. The Cop Magnet found make up under there...not to mention enough mold and mildew to choke a horse.

I guess the good news is that at least no one was sitting on the toilet when the floor caved in, right?

So this picture above is what Pup Dog did to the floor - essentially just pulling up the laminate, but that is when we noticed that the board underneath was rotting.

You can see the original floor in this picture...it is actually a good half an inch lower than the area where you see Poppy's legs. That's The Cop Magnet's butt over there in the corner..

Good thing no one was on the toilet when it gave way, huh? Yeah, The Cop Magnet pulled most of it up, but some of it just started caving in. The other good news (if we can look at the bright side) is that the wood under the tub seems to be fine. Good thing that Poppy was a professional carpenter (and now does it just strictly as a hobby). He might have Parkinson's, but he still works his butt off (even if it is just supervising!).That brown spot on the wall? Oh, that's where the previous owners decided not to move the toilet to paint the wall...good thing it isn't winter - and good thing there are no creepy crawlies under White Trash Central...also a good thing we have two bathrooms.

I'll try and keep you updated via photos.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 6:12 PM  
  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    We just dealt with a similar problem back in July. The floor had completely rotted underneath the toilet. This happened because the previous owners laid a new subfloor over top of the old flooring but they put it too high so the toilet was not bolted down right. So it had been leaking for the last 6 years. That floor was so rotted that it was about the consistency of dirt! What fun lol.

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said…

    Yikes! give that puppy an extra treat since you didn't fall in the floor on the toilet....not a happy way to go

  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    Hehehehehe. You don't wanna know.

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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
  • Monkey Butt - my 7 year old son that loves adventure
  • Squarepants Star - my 9 year old step-son that loves Spongebob
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  • Dumb Dog - my very dumb turkish sheep dog (Anatolian Shepherd)
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  • Pup Dog - Boomer, our American Boxer
  • Unkey Monkey - my 19 y.o. brother in law
  • The Little Miss - my 3 y.o. niece
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