27 September 2007
Guideline 96
96. Don't tape a pacifier to the mouth of a newborn.

Disclaimer: I never claimed to be a perfect parent; I just claimed to have at least a small amount of common sense.

Look, for whatever reason...not all babies like pacifiers. Neither of mine would take one - I even tried again with Monkey Butt when he was several months old and had a severe problem with colic. When we think about newborns - they come into this world knowing just a few things: crying, Moro reflex, and how to suck. The problem is - newborns aren't always voracious suckers. Therefore, they will not always be able to hold on to a pacifier.

I get that it was a nursery and the workers can't always give individual attention (which is sad for those little babies)...but don't tape the pacifier to the baby's mouth. What happens if the baby spits up or throws up and then chokes? Can you say negligence?


posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:39 AM  
  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    I am constantly amazed at the stupidity in this world....

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger ReY said…

    Well, let's be thankful that no harm came to the child.

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