30 July 2007
Guideline 95
95. Do not exorcise a three year old and do not allow anyone to perform an exorcism on your three year old.

I get it - some people are religions beyond means. I'm fine with that. I do not have a formed or an educated opinion on exorcisms. I don't know - Jesus just told the demons to be gone and they did. He didn't have to beat people or choke them. With that being said...

What the heck is wrong with this picture? The grandfather was trying to exorcise his three year old grand-daughter (yes, three years old). He was choking her. Her mom (19) was found in the room bloody and chanting. It took a couple of stuns from the cops to get the monster (read: the grandfather). He died. I'll try to hold back my grief.

The cops are only considering pressing charges against the mother. Considering.

Okay, here's a hint. I have three kids...three boys ages 9, 9, and 6. When they are 3, they are loud, obnoxious, and starting to try their hand at being mouthy (which didn't go too far with me). That doesn't make them demon possessed. It makes them children.

I so think there should be a common sense test for parents... Never mind.. I am not going there right now.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 8:30 AM  
  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    This whole story was just so disturbing...saw it on Fox News yesterday....

  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger Flawed And Disorderly said…

    That's just HORRIBLE! ACK! Glad to see you survived twins...gives me hope. Mine are currently 3 and have a 2 year old brother.

    Is that Dr. Laura book listed under your favorites really about feeding a husband? I need all the help I can get. :D

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