24 July 2007

I just had my psychology professor tell me that I should go to grad school for psychology. Did I mention that psychology isn't even my major?

I've been considering a change for about four months now. The big problem was that my university didn't offer a BA in Psych. So I was looking at Regent. The big problem there is that I couldn't start until Spring 2008. Then I'd have to worry about the credits transferring.

So I've been praying about it. I know my call is in the ministry (kind of like an apostolic version of Dr. Laura), but I just didn't know how to get there without throwing away practically all of my credits and thousands of dollars (because I am half way finished with a BS in paralegal studies). I told God to make the way. Regent didn't get back with me after I started asking the tough questions on credits.

When the prof told me to consider graduate school I told him that it was a nice dream, but I was going to have to change colleges to pursue a BA in Psychology. He said no I didn't. Kaplan University is bringing in the program at the first of the year!! On top of that, they plan to offer a graduate's program in it too!

If that's not God's work, then I don't know what is. I am just so glad that I serve a prayer answering (and fleece wetting) God!

Oh, and I know how proud yall will be of me... I am the official class troublemaker.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 8:45 PM  
  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    that is awesome! Praise God...He works in amazing ways!

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    I really really want to get into psychology (who's more suited than us anyway? lol) but I'm afraid my chance for college has long since passed me up.

    Praying for you in that! Sounds like you have it all planned out.

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