24 July 2007
Giving your best
In Genesis chapter 22 we read about how God called Abraham to give his son Isaac as a sacrificial offering. I can't imagine the hurt Abraham must have felt when God called him to sacrifice the gift God gave him. Abraham was right on, though, when he told Isaac that God would provide a lamb. When Isaac was bound up and Abraham had his knife ready to kill his son, the Lord stopped him because he knew that Abraham would give anything back to God. Of course God did provide a lamb - a ram rather...caught in the thicket.

Because of his willingness to sacrifice his very best thing (read: possession, talent, worldly living) for God to use, Abraham was blessed beyond measure. Have you ever tried to count the grains of sand on the beach? It would be a rather futile thing to try. That was the blessing God gave to Abraham - He would multiply his descendants to out number the grains of sand.

What do you have that God is calling you to use for His glory? What is God calling you to sacrifice in order to deepen your walk with Him? I doubt it is your first born child...Jesus took care of all the blood sacrifices. What is it that keeps your attention turned away when you should be seeking His face?

Are you ready for your blessing? If so, ready your sacrifice.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:15 PM  
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