30 July 2007
Remind me again why I wanted to see that movie? Okay, I understand it's The Simpsons. Think about this:

1. Do NOT take your young child. If your child is younger than 13 do NOT take them. I made that mistake. Unless of course you don't mind hearing the Lord's name taken in vain or seeing Bart naked (I don't mean like the cartoon show naked, either).

2. Go with really low expectations and you should be okay. It's not that funny. Do yourself a favor and just go rent a couple of seasons of the earlier ones.


posted by -atomik kitten @ 8:36 AM  
  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    I( think It's a movie I can skip.

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger ReY said…

    Well, it is the Simpsons. And if a decade and a half of nonsense has taught us anything, it's that you should expect it to be offensive.

    I always liked the fact that though they have offensive stuff, most young ones won't get it. And those that do, well, it's already too late, and watching/not watching isn't gonna make the difference.

    But yeah, as Homer says at the beginning, we're all suckers for paying for something we could watch on free tv :)

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