Today's theme is X-Ray Discovery Day. Say what? Ok, forget that one, I'm making an executive decision and declaring this 80s day.
1. What 80s song makes you want to get up out of your seat and dance like a fool?
Well, let's see...probably Prince's 1999. See, I was only born in 78 so that made me 11 when the 80s ended so just about any Prince song or Cyndi Lauper. I remember being about 5 and wearing a little tape player with head phones that belong to my brother and dancing to Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
2. What 80s ballad (new wave or hair metal or any other) makes you cry behind your Ray-Ban sunglasses?
Gosh, like I said...I wasn't even a teenager. I do have a copy of Guns N Roses Appetite for Destruction. Uh...I don't know if it was in the 80s (I think it might be early 90s) but the one song that still makes me cry is Poison's Give Me Something to Believe in.
3. What's your favorite movie from the 80s?
The Breakfast Club. Cliche, I know.
4. What stage of life were you in during the 80s? Was that a good or bad decade for you?
Do pre-teens have a "stage" other than "incredibly awkward"?
Thanks for mind humping!