15 May 2007
Where's the statue of liberty when you need here?
Yeah, I am talking about the give me your poor and tired...yadda yadda. Here it is 5:07 AM. I went to bed at almost midnight, slept for about an hour, and was awakened by a puking child. Ah, the joys of motherhood. Said child was sent home from school today because he threw up all over the place. He said, "I know it was the footlong I ate from Subway. I identified it by the pickle." Now there's a skill that will take him far in life, don't you think?

Honestly, I think he might have food poisoning. He had a turkey footlong (all he'll eat on it is pickles and turkey) from Subway. The Cop Magnet also had a turkey footlong and he had stomach upset today too...even though I don't think he suffered from Return of the Footlong quite like Bry-onicle did. I should call tomorrow and gripe. I really should. On top of that, one of the employees was using unsavory language in front of my children. I griped him out in front of the whole restaurant. If he wants to cuss, that's his business - but you don't do it at work...in front of little children, no less.

On the plus side, I finished my paper that is due today and I am about to take my Legal Ethics test that is also due today. I might as well.

I sure wish the statue of liberty could come pull duty over here so I could go to sleep. I might have strep throat again. I thought it was just allergies since the cottonwood is in full force, but I've got the cough and the sore throat that just won't go away. I also have my bone scan today on my foot.

On the other hand (I have different fingers), I got a lot done today. I did a six hour cleaning marathon. I got Bry-onicle three pairs of pants and me a denim skirt from the local thrift store for eight bucks. They didn't have anything in Monkey Butt's size this week. I dug up some grass in front on our parking to make room for a garden. I also took both Dumb Dog and Pup Dog for walks (separately). Dumb Dog makes a good jogging partner.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 5:06 AM  
  • At 9:20 AM, Blogger Mandalyn said…

    I popped over here from Annie's site! Nice to meet you!

    I'm in the same boat...puking child and cleaning marathon!

    I hope you have a better week!

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Name: The Little Woman-atomik kitten
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  • The Cop Magnet - my husband
  • Bry-onicle - my 9 year old son that loves Bionicle
  • Monkey Butt - my 7 year old son that loves adventure
  • Squarepants Star - my 9 year old step-son that loves Spongebob
  • Nana Beachy - my MIL
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  • FC15 - my cat that weighs 15 pounds
  • Pup Dog - Boomer, our American Boxer
  • Unkey Monkey - my 19 y.o. brother in law
  • The Little Miss - my 3 y.o. niece
  • Fatty McChuckles - USAF BIL, father of The Little Miss
  • Peg Leg - the wife of Fatty McChuckles and mom of The Little Miss
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