Kids are so funny. We were driving home from Wal-Mart the other day. I was in the left hand lane when my husband decides I need to double back across traffic to turn around to go back the way we came to stop somewhere else... I said something to the effect of my husband being nothing but trouble. He said something about me liking trouble or something (don't remember) and I said, "Yeah, you're right cause I married you." Did I mention we enjoy being sarcastic. DS1 said, "Yeah, you're right...that's why you're my daddy." My husband started to say something to him about the virtue of respecting his elders but all he could get out was, "I should say something...but he was too funny."
Indeed. The littles of pitchers have the greatest of spouts.
Your old site at Blogcity has a bad link to here. You liked it to and it should be