02 October 2007
Samson and Delilah - the moral of the story
Okay, so we are in Judged 16:4-31 tonight. Essentially, Delilah was a nag...surprise surprise - Samson eventually gave in. We all know what happened to him. Moral one: women can be trouble. Not all women - look at the Proverbs 31 woman...she was a good one.

Moral two: sometimes we have to live with the consequences of our actions. He fessed up to Delilah that he'd never had his head shaved, and that if it happened he would lose all his power. Not only that - they poked his eyes out and pretty much gave him the job as an oxen in the grind stone.

Moral three: God is always with us and as long as you ask for things in His will, you will get a yes. They took Samson to be made fun of and attached him to pillars. He asked God for one last act of strength and God granted it. Samson knew he wouldn't get out of that mess alive, but he killed more Philistines that day than during his entire life.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 8:47 PM  
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