27 November 2007
What is wrong with people?
Baby Grace's mother could have easily left her at the hospital, signed over her rights, and walked away. Yet no, we have one more tiny angel in heaven - she left this world with three skull fractures, after being beaten with leather belts, and held under water.

I think she should be sterilized - and her boyfriend, too. What I really want to know is why no one looked harder into this "Ohio" mystery social worker. Had I been that child's grandmother, aunt, etc etc (insert female relative here) - I would be calling every DHS office Ohio has to see if it was true...and then I would have called the police and reported her missing myself. Sadly, you can't leave all parents to be parents...especially ones that shack up with people they meet on the internet at a moment's notice.

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posted by -atomik kitten @ 9:21 AM  
  • At 3:34 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said…

    hi there ...what a horror..sigh..thanks for raising consciousness about this!

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Grand parents are pretty much ignored. And they don't want to cause trouble. But somebody should have caught to what was going on much sooner.

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